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About Us

We are avid news readers like you are and check all the news coming out of Sri Lanka on a daily basis. We believe that the news has to be unbiased and informative so that people are shown a truthful representation of the world we live in. However, over time, some newspapers in Sri Lanka have started distorting the truth so that it suits their own agendas.

This is how The Sri Lankan Report was born. At The Sri Lankan Report, we decided to fight this distortion by aggregating the major news sources in Sri Lanka and showing you all the main headlines that they have published. This way, you the public, can access all the different points of view on one page and then come to your own conclusions as to what the truth really is. We will continue to add more news sources in the future so that we bring you the latest news coming out of Sri Lanka. We hope you join us in our mission to make news sources in Sri Lanka free and unbiased.